
  • Chung-gunk! Order: When a "Law" type revolver is equipped, any melee damage done is converted to health. (Quest Reward, "BFFs")
  • From the ashes she will rise. Flame of the Firehawk: Constant fire nova effect while shields are at 0. This effect lasts indefinitely, as long as your shield remains at 0, triggers roughly every two seconds. Must recharge fully to trigger new nova. Nova triggers once when player is downed regardless of full charge. (Quest reward, "Cult Following; The Enkindling")
  • If thumping you is wrong, I don't want to be right. Love Thumper: High roid damage. Low recharge rate and incredibly high recharge delay counting into several minutes. Melee attacks create a Nova-like explosion while the player is buffed by its roid damage. Currently the nova explosion damages friendly players in your game. (Quest reward, "Best mother's day ever!")
  • What do you mean...theoretically?Deadly Bloom: Has fast recharge rate with a very powerful nova on shield loss or entering fight for your life mode. The nova on shield loss follows the usual normal mechanic, and will not trigger again until the shield is recharged, but the nova on entering Fight For Your Life will trigger every time. (Quest Reward, "Helping Out Overlook")
  • The second is better. Aequitas: +10% duration to Fight For Your Life for every Aequitas or Veritas equipped in the party. (Quest Reward, "Clan Wars: Wakey Wakey")
  • Blarney, I say! 'Tis blarney!Pot O' Gold: The shield can drop money when hit. (Rare drop from Bagman in "Clan Wars: End of the Rainbow")
  • Wow, I CAN do this all day.The Sham: Abnormally high bullet absorb rate, around 80%. (Drops from BNK-3R)
  • Win by a hareTortoise: Very high capacity, lowers health and movement speed when active, raises movement speed when depleted. (Drops from Blue)
  • For an impenetrable shield stand inside yourself. Neogenator: Has health regen and very high +max life. The lower your shields are, the higher the health regen. Stops regeneration when shields are empty. (Drops from Spycho)
  • If you can't beat 'em, join 'em1340 Shield: Typical bullet absorb rate, high capacity, decent recharge rate and delay. Has Hyperion Loader voice. (Quest reward, "Out of Body Experience")
  • Situation normal... Whisky Tango Foxtrot: Has a chance of dropping shield boosters on hit. Shield boosters bounce away and then launch 3 volleys of 3 grenades, each in a tight circle around the booster. The explosives damage both allies (including the player) and enemies. (Drops from Chubby enemies)
  • Float like a butterfly...The Bee: Extremely high Amp damage bonus and No Amp Shot Drain. Gun damage is GREATLY reduced while shields are charging or depleted. (Drop from Hunter Hellquist)
  • Vlad would be proud.Impaler: Launches Corrosive homing spikes when damaged with bullets. Deals Corrosive Spike Damage to melee attackers. (Drops from the Warrior)
  • the grave.Cradle: When shield depletes, it is thrown away as an explosive and then "reloaded" like a Tediore gun. (Drops from Henry)
  • You are the center of the universe. Black Hole: Pulls nearby enemies towards you then releases a shock nova when shields are depleted; similar to the effect of singularity grenades. (Drops from Foreman during the Quest "Hell Hath No Fury")
  • ...His hide turned the mightiest tame... Hide of Terramorphous: High Fire Nova, Fire Spike and Roid damage. (Drops from Terramorphous)
  • There's more than your eye can see. The Transformer: Large chance to absorb enemy bullets and immunity to electricity. Shock Damage received recharges shield HP. (Drops from Pimon)
  • What a fabulous window treatment. Manly Man Shield: Adds bonus Explosive Damage to all Melee Attacks. This ability stays in effect, even while shields are totally depleted. (Quest reward, "Message in a Bottle") 
  • Curse of the Elements! Manly Man Shield: Wearer receives increased elemental damage.

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