Grenade Mods:

  • 2x more awesome, bonus extreme! Bonus Package: MIRV style grenade, spawns a second set of child grenades after the first set explodes. (Drop from Boom and Bewm.)
  • It takes two to get one in trouble. Kiss of Death: Homing elemental grenade that latches onto target's face until they die or grenade detonates. Upon exploding sends out healing beams as if from a transfusion grenade (Quest Reward, "Hell Hath no Fury")
  • Make it rain!Fuster Cluck: Once the grenade is thrown, mini grenades rapidly spawn from it in mid-air. (Quest Reward, "The Pretty Good Train Robbery")
  • Supplies!Nasty Surprise: Teleports and splits into four child grenades near the feet of multiple enemies in front of the player. (Drops from Vermivorous)
  • The thunder shall bring forth the pain! Rolling Thunder: When thrown stays low to ground and has an explosive bounce. Can not hit high rose enemies and wont jump over small gaps between land. (Drops from Wilhelm)
  • Sometimes lightning does strike twice.Storm Front: Initial explosion spawns a 'fork' which shoots out a few child grenades. The fork creates an aura that shows the range of its electricity can reach (much like teslas). The fork attacks any enemies that wander near it for shock damage. The child grenades also attack enemies near them with a smaller range and slightly less damage. The fork and child grenades explode for additional damage when finished. (Drops from Mutants in "Splinter Group" )
  • Spread the sickness.Pandemic: Corrosive Spawns three homing grenades after initial explosion. (Drops from Mortar)
  • A skilful leech is better far, than half a hundred men of war.Leech: After the first set explodes it spawns a second set of child grenades which has high elemental DOT. In addition it also leeches health directly for as much damage as it dealt. (Drops from the Warrior)
  • E = mc^(OMG)/wtf Quasar: Pulls in enemies around it, causing period damage until it explodes for massive damage. (Drops from Ultimate Badass Varkids)
  • Bees are coming! Fire Bee: Seems to act like a sprayer type grenade in that when it detonates, it starts spinning and releasing fire, as well as smaller mirv style explosives during.
  • WARNING: Not intended for indoor use.Sky Rocket: Deals an insane amount of fire damage based on your level in a MIRV style firework explosion. Grenade travels upward in an arc, and will bounce back down when it hits a ceiling. Best used indoors (Despite the "Warning"). This mod is automatically installed on any characters created after a player enters the SHIFT code which comes with specific retail special editions of the game.
  • Your sister is such a bitch. Bouncing Bonny: Bounces similar to a bettie grenade but with horizontal movement and throws out secondary grenades alongside normal bouncing bettie effect. (Drops from loot midgets)
  • Forget the curveball Ricky, give him the heater. Fastball: Thrown straight out - bounces once if hits terrain, explodes if hits an enemy. Very small radius. (Drops from Boll)
  • ...His breath was of fire... Breath of Terramorphous: Causes multiple "Fire Fountains" to emerge from the ground in the area around the explosion in a seemingly random pattern. Lasts for a few seconds. (Drops from Terramorphous)
  • Hangin' around with you is no picnic. Captain Blade's Midnight Star: High damage MIRV grenade (Quest Reward: Message in a Bottle, Magnys Lighthouse) 
  • Curse of the Cackling Designer!Captain Blade's Midnight Star: Child grenades spawned will instead fly at the thrower instead of a regular radius.

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